So over midterms week, my mom and I painted my room. We were going to sponge paint parts of it, but I decided against it. Then we got some furniture from Crate&Barrel. Yesterday, we got new bedsheets and this little rug I put in front of my bed. I got really excited after setting it all up, so I decided to stay up a little late and I set up my speaker system, my laptop and all my other essentials in my room, and nowwww, I basically live in my room. It's amazing.
I slept in my bed in its new location for the first time two nights ago. I didn't know this when I was setting the room up, but the sun shines through my window right onto my bed in the morning. That night, I had the
Pride and Prejudice soundtrack playing on my iHome, and it was still playing in the morning. I woke up submerged in light piano sounds and the sun, and it was the most blissful awakening I've ever had. Y'all probably don't care, but I can't imagine how much better my morning could've been. What this all leads me to is pictures of my new room. It's not completely done, but I wanna share anyway:

I really like the painting above the bed =)

The box things on top of the chest are going to be hung up on the wall in front of my desk and I'd put things in and on top of them. I'm still deliberating what to do on the wall above my chest.

The bulletin board is going right behind my door, so I can see it when I'm doing work in my room and the door is closed, BUT it's not visible when people are around and the door is open. Clever, no? It was my mom's idea. I'm putting the box shelves from the last picture above the desk along with a few of these ledges -- (see the room views) -- on the side wall next to my desk. I'm gonna put picture frames and stuff on the ledges, so it'll look good.
Finally, I'm getting a really cool bookshelf right next to my desk. It's vertical, and when you fill it with books, it's practically invisible and just looks like a stack of books that isn't going to fall over lol. Check it out --
Much love.